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We are the Church that Loves God, Lives God and Gives God! Get Close the FLAME Don't Burn!


We are the church that is "Sharing our FAITH with godly LOVE and using our ANOINTING to do MIRACLES with godly EXCELLENCE for all people!" We accomplish this by applying this strategy to our Lives: LOVE God, LIVE God, and GIVE God. We are a growing, vibrant, exciting, Bible believing church; looking to add you and your family to our family of Flamites! We believe that we should represent the Kingdom of God by loving one another, loving the stranger, and loving the different. We believe that there is no Sin, no Hurt, no Pain that Jesus cannot heal. We believe by being a person of faith that you can be a complete and whole person mind, body, and soul. Come fellowship with us, join our men and women groups or connect your children with our explosive kids and youth called "spark". We Love God and we want to love on you. If you are seeking to find your place, seeking a community who will love you, hold you accountable, celebrate your victories, and be there in times of defeat. The FLAME is the church for you!!! No matter your age, ethnicity, political affiliations, or sexual orientation. We believe that the power of God will overcome our differences and lead us to becoming WHO HE intended for us to be, A church without spot or blemish!!!! Welcome to the F.L.A.M.E 3:2 Church #getclosetheflamedon'tburn #iamaflamite #lovelivegive #squadgoals


Our Schedule
Sundays: 10:00 a.m. (Online and in person)
(Bi-weekly) 7pm (Online)
All Sundays: Spark Children's Church

5th Sundays: Love Live Give Back to our communities

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